Doucecroft School

School Safeguarding Lead - Louise Parkinson, Head Teacher
Governor With Safeguarding Responsibility - David Burrage
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Sam Lawrence, Assistant Head Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Kuben Reddy, Assistant Head Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Hayley Kersey, Assistant Head Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Gayle Jones, Wellbeing Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mandy Spragge, Student Voice & Wellbeing Support

For general advice on safeguarding matters, we would recommend the following website:

Essex Safeguarding Children Board

Information specific to Doucecroft is available here:

Keeping Children Safe In Education

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Leaflet

Online/E-Safety Policy

Please click the link below to view a copy of our leaflet giving advice to parents and carers on the subject of E-Safety:

E-Safety Leaflet

Other information which you may find useful -

Doucecroft Safer Internet Day 2024 Information

NSPCC Guide - 'Positively Online'

Online Safety Information From The Essex Safeguarding Children Board

Internet Watch Foundation Report On Spam Links To Websites Showing Abuse

E-Safety Advice From 'The 2 Johns'

Ofcom 2021 Report Into Internet Use In The UK

NSPCC Guide To Online Safety

NSPCC Advice On Teaching Your Child About Online Safety

NSPCC Guide To Internet Safety For Children With SEND

'Fake News' Factsheet From National Online Safety

National Online Safety App

Online Safety Advice From Essex County Council - Summer 2022

Updated E-Safety Advice - May 2020

December 2020 - Updated Guidance From 'Think You Know'

For a guide to the parental controls available on YouTube there are numerous articles online such as the one below:

YouTube Parental Controls

We have received the following e-safety factsheet for parents regarding some popular apps -


Fifteen Apps Parents Should Know About

Tik Tok

Omegle Guidance - Internet Matters

Omegle has been a headache for those concerned with protecting children for a decade and a half. On first glance the site is a simple internet chatroom, reminiscent of platforms from the internet's early years. It has no registration or account system. Being designed with the originally innocent objective of getting strangers to talk to each other, but this allows under-18s to easily use the platform, without needing parental assistance, money or even an email address. This already creates a dangerous situation to young pupils, but its insistence on users needing a webcam to chat places anyone underage in an extremely vulnerable place. To find out more about Omegle and the risks it poses, please follow the links below: 

Internet Matters:


Also, below is a range of information from the UK Safer Internet Centre which parents may find useful -

Children's Media Use Report

Conversation Starters

Fun Things To Do

Get Involved

Information & Online Resources

Internet Safety Plan

Quick Activities