Support Us Donate Now Donate Now As a not for profit charity, all donations to Autism Anglia help us to provide services, information and advice to the autistic community. Donations can also be ringfenced for certain projects, such as a new play area at Doucecroft School – or refurbishment of our sites (see appeals page on our website for current projects which help to enhance the lives of the people we directly support through our School and Adult services. We know that there is still so much that needs to be done to give autistic people a voice and support them when they need us. Only through fundraising and ensuring we remain a robust charity will we be able develop new services and initiatives and increase accessibility for all. Please select a donation amount (required) £10 £20 £50 Other Set up a regular payment Donate You can also send a cheque (made payable to Autism Anglia) to our Head Office address Manage Cookie Preferences