Doucecroft School

Working together to put the needs of Autistic people at the centre of everything we do.

At Doucecroft School, boarding provision is available for up to 294 nights per year, across 48 weeks. The 24 hour curriculum informs the development of independent living, social interaction and communication skills. The residential setting provides opportunities for students to generalise skills in a range of settings.

Children and young people who board with us benefit from the integrated approach across education and care, ensuring skills are practised in different environments.

Residential provision is located on the Eight Ash Green site and provides single bedroom accommodation for both boys and girls. Our aim is to provide a homely atmosphere where students can relax and learn in a safe and supported environment.

Evenings and weekend activities are structured so that our children and students are able to develop hobbies and interests both on-site and in the wider community. Activities include youth clubs, leisure centre, shopping which develop skills in the community. On-site, students have access to swimming, physical education suite, cycling, go-karts, small animal care, outdoor play and cooking.