Jigsaw Centre

Jigsaw is a specialist day service for adults (18+) with an Autistic Spectrum Condition. We offer long-term placements and only close on bank holidays and between Christmas and New Year. 


Jigsaw offers a range of person-centred activities that develop skills and independence, within a safe and welcoming environment.  Our departments include Social & Creative Studies, Art & Textiles, Life Skills, Music, Movement & Wellbeing and Horticulture. 

Jigsaw has 2 plots at a nearby allotment site, where we cultivate and grow a variety of fruit, vegetables, and flowers. These are harvested and either used by the people who work at the allotment, used as ingredients within our Life Skills sessions or sold to visitors in the entrance hall at Jigsaw, which raise funds for the following years seed and bulbs.

We have a car to transport the people that attend horticulture sessions to and from the allotment site.

This is Dave

Dave is our Horticulture Instructor. He usually works away from Jigsaw overseeing the running of the allotments.