Kate Hancock, Chief Executive of the regional charity Autism Anglia has signed a petition asking the Government to help parents of autistic people plan for future care needs.


The petition has been created by Anna Kennedy, OBE who is a parent of 2 autistic adults and an avid campaigner for autistic people.


The petition to Helen Whately, Minister for SocialCare has already reached over 10,000 signatures; calls for better planning and funding to ensure future care needs are met so that the right support is in place at the right time.


Kate Hancock said: 

I speak regularly with parents of autistic children and adults and am only too aware of their worries and struggles to ensure care is in place for their children.


As a charity, Autism Anglia is dedicated to help families of autistic people through what is often a very difficult journey to navigate to ensure their children’s needs are met.

To find out more or to sign the petition CLICK HERE