Six key benefits

 They extend existing learning space

Outdoor classrooms are an ideal solution for schools that need to expand their current classroom space and maximise the use of their school grounds. As class sizes increase, with some schools becoming pushed to accommodate rising pupil numbers, outdoor classrooms provide the extra space needed without having to extend the school and cause a significant amount of disruption.


  1. They provide an opportunity for hands-on learning

A dedicated outdoor classroom provides an area for hands-on lessons. This could include messy art projects, science experiments or loud musical lessons that can’t be conducted indoors.


  1. They provide protection from the elements

An outdoor classroom provides a sheltered spot in the windy or wet weather, and a shaded area in the hot and sunny weather, meaning that lessons can take place outside all year round.


  1. They are a great meeting point

Outdoor classrooms create a gathering place for children when learning outdoors. Pupils can explore the school grounds, and then meet at the outdoor classroom to share any findings.


  1. They have numerous uses

Outdoor classrooms can be used for more than lessons. They can also be used for outdoor dining and to encourage social engagement at play times. This is vital for forming relationships and developing communication skills.


  1. They are permanent and give structure to lessons outdoors

An outdoor classroom provides a permanent space meaning that outdoor lessons can be fulfilled on a regular basis without leaving the school grounds and can be integrated into the school curriculum. This also helps give long term structure to lessons and allows teachers to plan their outdoor time in advance.


Why is outdoor learning important?

Studies have shown that pupils tend to have increased concentration and are more motivated, inspired and willing to learn when they are outdoors.


The opportunity to learn and play outdoors can also potentially give children who find it difficult to concentrate or engage inside an alternative option. Installing an outdoor classroom area is something that all schools should seriously consider, given all the notable benefits that it could bring to the education of their students

The permanent gazebo structures will provide protection from both the sun and rain and will become our multi use learning shelters for several uses, including:


  • lunchtime activities & role play
  • Outdoor classrooms
  • Sensory play
  • Picnics to take place
  • Socialisation and relaxation
  • Gathering sports teams before and after games have taken place
  • Storage for bags and other items during sports games, playtimes, and forest school sessions
  • External community groups to meet
  • A dry waiting area for parents and carers
  • Small group interventions away from the classroom


Lunch Time Activities include Ball Games, Outdoor Games (BIG Snake and Ladders, Twister, Jenga, Chess, Marble Run and Dominos), Parachute Games,

Since the gazebos are permanent structures not only will they benefit 65 children per year on an ongoing basis they provide the added benefit of increasing school space and allow activities to take place outside on more days of the year, something we can encourage long after the pandemic has passed.


Overall, our outside classrooms will take children into a fresh new environment, it is well documented that being outdoors improves children's mental health and wellbeing.


With the addition of gazebo's as outdoor classrooms at Doucecroft we expect to see:

1) Increased time being spent outdoors

2) Increased time engaging in physical activity

3) A reduction in stress and anxiety

4) Increase in positive behaviour and social interactions


This project will support positive changes for our children, we are committed to providing

additional outside space and generally overcoming the challenges of containing autistic

children indoors.